Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio is committed to academic excellence and the integration of faith and reason. That commitment is demonstrated through Franciscan University’s core curriculum, a common educational experience shared by all undergraduate students — no matter which of the more than 70 undergraduate majors and minors you decide to pursue. The core curriculum is based on the Western intellectual tradition, our Franciscan educational heritage, and the Catholic mission of Franciscan University. The core curriculum purposefully exposes you to the fundamental knowledge, critical authors, scientific findings and processes, and diverse learning experiences you need to become a well-educated Catholic and member of society.
Goals of the Franciscan University Core Curriculum
- Foster understanding of the unity of all truth, natural and revealed, in the one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Develop understanding of the charism of St. Francis and the Franciscan contribution to the world and the Church.
- Encourage attainment of foundational knowledge in the core disciplines of the liberal arts tradition.
- Strengthen mastery of skills foundational to reasoning well and communicating effectively.
- Foster recognition of one’s place in relation to nature, other persons, the state, and God.
- Develop understanding of intellectual and moral virtues and their importance in human life.
Grounded in Ex Corde Ecclesiae
Our core curriculum is inspired by the vision of Catholic education expressed by St. John Paul II in Ex Corde Ecclesiae. This document calls Catholic universities to encourage a love for knowledge that serves the good of all people and challenges Catholic universities to become instruments of cultural transformation and progress. To be such an instrument, a Catholic university must foster an interested, caring, and dedicated relationship with the Church and be willing to honor its Catholic mission and identity. Ultimately, the Franciscan core seeks to evoke your love of knowledge, appreciation for the unity of all truth, and courage to live an authentic Christian life in which you witness to Christ in whichever vocation to which you are called.