Gallery of Research, Artistry, and Community Engagement
GRACE - Gallery of Research, Artistry, and Community Engagement

This year’s Gallery of Research, Artistry, and Community Engagement (GRACE) will be held Friday, April 11th, 2025. GRACE is an opportunity for Franciscan University to highlight and share the tremendous work happening within our academic community.

Presentations can include:

  • Works of artistry (i.e., paintings, drawings, and creative writing projects)
  • Theatre and fine arts (scenes from plays, musical performances)
  • Communication Arts films for the Film Fest Competition
  • Community engagement (service learning or community outreach projects)
  • Projects based on your thesis or seminar presentations from the humanities (History, English, Theology, Philosophy)
  • Research from the natural and social sciences
  • Engineering projects and research

Thanks to generous organizational sponsors, there will be awards given for the top presenters within each of the six categories (Humanities and Social Sciences, Theology and Philosophy, Professional Programs, Sciences, Art and Theatre, and Film Fest). Recipients of awards will be announced on Monday, April 14th, 2025th.

Apply To Participate

To present your research, project, or paper at GRACE, please complete the application. The application will need to be filled out by midnight on Friday, February 28th, 2025. For any questions, please email Nicholas Riccardi at [email protected].

Participating in GRACE is not only a great accomplishment to include on resumes, but also gives students valuable exposure to the wider academic community, preparing them for conferences, symposia, and publishing opportunities at the graduate level and beyond.

Important Information

We invite you to dress in Business Casual attire to convey a professional and businesslike impression as befits this event (no jeans, shorts, flip-flops, T-shirts, athletic shoes, or other informal clothes).

All majors and programs are eligible for participation in GRACE. This includes works that have been previously presented at a conference or symposium, as well as projects that have yet to be presented. Projects and presentations should be of high academic quality and based off original research done in an upper-division class. Eligible presentations might include, but are not limited to:

    • Research done in the natural sciences, such as chemistry, biology, or biopsychology
    • Research done in mathematics and computer science
    • Communication Arts and Fine Arts projects, such as short films or theatre performances
    • Research done in social science classes such as psychology, sociology, or social work
    • Thesis or seminar papers completed for humanities majors such as theology, philosophy, English, or history
    • Senior or graduate papers and research done for business, education, nursing, or counseling
    • Engineering research and projects


If you have any questions about the eligibility of your presentation, please contact Nicholas Riccardi at [email protected].
  • All presentations will have a 20-minute time slot for the student to present the project/research and to allow time for Q&A. Students should choose one of the following four mediums for their presentations.
  • Poster with Oral Presentation
    • Suggested sections may include abstract, introduction, methods, data/charts, results, discussion, references. Sample posters are available here.
    • Students may supplement posters with models of projects.
    • Posters should be no larger than 36” x 48” and will be displayed for the entire event. Students should prepare a 5-minute overview of their projects.
  • PowerPoint with Oral Presentation – Students should prepare an 8–10-minute PowerPoint slide deck with oral overview of the project and expect 8-10 minutes of questions from the judges.
  • Art and Performance Presentation – students may showcase works of art or perform music/theatre pieces, preparing 15 minutes of a performance and expecting 5 minutes of questions from the judges.

If you have class during your scheduled presentation time, you are allowed to leave your class in order to participate in GRACE. We encourage you to inform your professors in advance of your participation.